• Change Your Perspective: It's Just Dyscalculia

    Tackling learning disadvantage, early school leaving and low proficiency in basic skills

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    About Project

    This project is aimed at individuals who have a learning disadvantage, struggle with low proficiency in basic skills, and who are at risk of early school leaving. It has been prepared with the motivation to include these individuals in education in an inclusive way. Dyscalculia; Dyslexia (Special Learning Disability) is a learning disability in the subgroup. Although there are many more definitions of dyscalculia; In the most general sense, Dyscalculia is a disorder and inadequacy in comprehending and calculating mathematical relations, recognizing, using and writing numerical symbols (Butterworth, 2003). 

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    Some of these results;

    • Dyscalculia Curriculum and Course Material

    • Dyscalculia e-learning Module (Online Courses)

    • Dyscalculia Podcasts

    • Dyscalculia Field Analysis and Education Policy

    Some of these results;

    1) A curriculum will be created for the education of dyscalculic students.

    2) Course materials will be produced especially for the dissemination of the project to large masses and the use of its results in education systems.

     3) Content to be used for teacher training will be developed within the course materials.

    4) Examples of activities that teachers can apply in their daily lesson activities will be prepared.

     5) Practical applications will be designed to ensure the social integration of dyscalculic students and facilitate their adaptation to the classroom environment.

    Some of these results;

     6) Thanks to the analyzes to be made; Dyscalculia awareness rate in project partner countries will be determined for education workers.

      7) Analysis studies will be made into a printed document.  A document showing the current situation regarding the project subject will be created.

       8) Curriculum and educational content will be created digitally for the education of dyscalculic students.

       9)Dyscalculia Podcasts will be produced especially in order to disseminate the project to large masses and to use the results in education systems.

    Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that disrupts a person's ability to understand numbers and math-related concepts. Children usually show symptoms between the ages of 6 and 9 (or even sooner).

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